Getting back!

What a busy summer and already back to school time is upon us. Time flies when Spirit takes you for a ride! Summer has been a series of transformation and transition in all the best ways. Allowing surrender, taking the leap of faith, living through the dark night of the soul arising to the dawn…

Conscious Connections

Currently using this process for inspiration! This lesson is about crystal use and awareness to enhance daily meditation & conscious connections. Pranayama, the formal practice of controlling the breath is the soul of yoga and the foundational breath work of meditation. Enhance your meditation, and well being grab your favorite crystal. Take a deep breath…

Super Blue Moon

There is something special happening in the cosmos right now and it’s going to catapult any progress you’ve been working on so far forward, to the next step so get ready! Everything is falling into to place. This happened for me personally, at the begining of the month and parted ways with the Studio I…

The 1% teacher

You may know the 1% teacher you may have had one growing up going through school, always pushing beyond duty, goimg out of their way to make the experience better…in some way. I certainly did find a teacher like this in college, and that had a profound effect on me to teach, or rather lead…

Uplifting Yoga class

Just recently I became a Young Living representative and distributor you can find links attached to my log below, if you are interested personally.☆ The thing is these are tools, I use all these products daily and want to share the love. Essential oils set us back to our natural frequency,  literally where we were…

Fill your chill this Winter, indoors or outside with Mindful Meditations!

This is a strong and bold message recently released by a favorite supplier, fellow goddess and empowering woman, Athena Perrakis @thesagegoddess. This is one of many everyday hero’s in my world, and in this day and age it’s 100% nessacary to have everyday hero’s you can look up to! This keeps you motivated and inspired,…

Crystal Meditation

Crystal awareness – Meditation with Crystal! Meditation to enhance well being grab your favorite crystal and hold during meditation. Smudge is old school so if you can’t you can always diffuse eo’s!      Lavender and/or eucalyptus oils if mixing 4 drops of each will do a little goes a long way (personally I use Young…

Crystals, yoga and essential oils correspond for major health benefits!

Salutations hope you’re well as you’re reading this blog and abundant blessings! Would like to express the corresponding connections between my major 3 loves in life and how they can help ANYONE! After years of studying psychology, nutrition, TCM, yoga and other arts. I am now making candles, essential oil blends, and working with crystal…

Work through!

Everyone of us as human beings are going through something to some degree of growing and experiencing the kundalini (growth) process and may be unaware of it! Did you know that yoga is the only proven effective exercise that actually creates more grey matter or neuroplasticity, because it includes meditation! That is the key to…

Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini (Sanskrit kuṇḍalinī, कुण्डलिनी, “coiled one”), in the concept of Dharma, refers to a form of primal energy (or shanties) said to be located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of awakening kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment and a range of gifts. Joseph Campbell describes the concept…

5 Types of Yoga

These are the most beneficial types of Yoga that I have found in my personal experience, that also help lead into meditation practice.